???option.TituloSitioWeb.master??? Gestión e Innovación en la Industria Alimentaria

Objectives and competences

Master in Management and Innovation in the Food Industry (MGIIA)


To provide students specialisation in the development of food processes and products, quality control and safety monitoring, as well as commercialisation strategies.

Specific competences

  1. Knowledge of quality systems.

  2. Control and optimisation of processes and products.

  3. Evaluation, monitoring and management of food quality.

  4. Implementation of quality systems.

  5. Standardisation and regulations that apply to food.

  6. Aspects of personal hygiene, products and processes.

  7. Analysis and assessment of food risks.

  8. Management of food safety.

  9. Problem solving.

  10. Management and control of merchandising and marketing operations.

  11. Supervision, management and control in business organisations.

Within the specific field of fruit and vegetables, vegetable oils and meat products

  1. Production and preservation of food.

  2. Planning and development of technical surveys.

  3. Planning and development of R&D activities.

  4. Development of new processes and products.

  5. Implementation of knowledge gained, in case of external practices.

General competences
  1. Concern about quality.

  2. Ability for organising and scheduling all documents generated by activities and quality systems.

  3. Teamwork among the staff involved in production in the food industry (production, quality, sales, etc.).

  4. Time management.

  5. Command of spoken and written language.

  6. Commitment to ethical issues.

  7. Capacity for information management.

  8. Creativity applied to the innovation of products and processes.

  9. Initiative and entrepreneurial spirit.

  10. Eventually, skills such as adapting to changing situations in the industry, thinking in a critical manner and making decisions should figure high in case of external practices.


Career prospects

Graduates who finish the master's degree occupy different positions in the food industry and other related industries. Many of them occupy positions as quality and food safety managers, developing and implementing management programs and managing certifications, etc; others lead product and process innovation projects in the R&D departments of the companies, others occupy positions related to production and management, logistics, technological processes, supplies ... and some use the master as a bridge to start their PhD studies in the food field.